In today's competitive job market, skill set is increasingly becoming the primary yardstick for measuring competency, rather than degrees or marks. Skilled human capital is the cornerstone of both economic prosperity and social well-being in the 21st century.

At NIS, we strive to foster university curriculums that prioritize building professional development qualifications with a strong emphasis on competency-based assessment. We believe that skills are the new currency, and we work tirelessly to ensure our students are equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to succeed in an increasingly skill-driven world.

What we offer

NIS aims to bring-in a collaborative, and industry-relevant programmes to figure out better, smarter ways of preparing learners for new career paths based on their interests and skills.

NIS aims to bring-in a collaborative, and industry-relevant programmes to figure out better, smarter ways of preparing learners for new career paths based on their interests and skills.

The services offered by NIS aim to skill and up-skill learners and at the same time meet the Sustainable Development Goals of NEP 2020 which seeks to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” by 2030.

   Certifications through Global Professional Bodies

Bring value to your career with certifications from the most reputable Global Professional Bodies. Institutions can write to us for more information.

   Skill Enhancement Courses

Upgrade your professional skills with our comprehensive Skill Enhancement Courses.

   Capacity Building Program

   Professional Development Programs
   Curriculum Development
   Technology Integration
   Community Engagements
   International Collaborations

   Green Audit & ISO Certification